You are purchasing 16 Marketing Templates for sized for Insta stories.
You can also use these in your FB marketing as well.
The templates are easily changed in CANVA by dragging and dropping your image over the current image in the templates. Fonts, colors, numbers and text are all easily editable in CANVA.
You must use your own images for marketing.
Message Beverly Williams in the Senior Year Magazine FB group or in the Infinity Photography magazine group if you have questions.
Also included is a FREE class to teach you how to use CANVA. Message Beverly on FB if you have purchased any of our templates and you need the Canva class and she will send it to you.

Read About Us Below
We are a national photography PRINT MAGAZINE publishing some of the best images submitted by topphotographers across the globe.
Our magazine features all genres including
Newborns, Infants, Children, Tweens, Teens, High School Seniors, Couples, Families,
Engagements, Weddings, Maternity, and Senior Citizens.
Check our calendar to see when submission open next.
We also "feature" photographers on our Instagram when photographers TAG US on IG in the images they post.
We have two sister sites - Senior Year Magazine (HS Juniors and Seniors) and Teen Years Magazine
(Tweens and Teens ages 9 through 19 including High School Seniors)
We also offer BUSINESS EDUCATION CLASSES for photographers to help them learn how to gain more clients and run a
much more profitable business.
If you are a photographer, ask to join our PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS below.